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Depression and Mental Health

Mental Health Benefits of Weight Loss Surgery

What is it?

Depression is an illness that involves the body, mood, and thoughts. It affects the way a person eats and sleeps, the way one feels about oneself, and the way one thinks about things. There are many reasons people with morbid obesity experience depression. Many of the everyday activities people with healthy body weight take for granted are big challenges for a person suffering from morbid obesity. These activities may include walking, social interaction, finding clothes that fit, and fitting in public seats. While depression may occur regardless of someone’s age, gender, or body mass, it tends to be more severe in the obese.

How is it affected by bariatric surgery?

Emotional health goes hand in hand with physical health. Lifestyle improvements and renewed health can help resolve depression. Weight loss, combined with counseling, can be very helpful in improving mental health.

What success have clients found through bariatric surgery?

Clients who have had bariatric surgery report greatly improved quality of life, social interactions, psychological well-being, employment opportunities, and economic conditions. Psychological screening before surgery may help prepare you for the changes that come with surgery, and help you set realistic goals and expectations.

*These are actual testimonials, however, individual results may vary. Price depends on multiple factors including health history and known insurance benefits. Program does not include airfare or meals.

Blossom Bariatrics’ team of compassionate professionals are dedicated to providing individualized client experience, radically innovative services and superior surgical skill in our exclusive outpatient surgery center setting. Our comprehensive program boasts consult to surgery in as little as 4 days with no pre-surgical testing, clearances or referrals required!